At a time when most Americans are sheltering at home, families across the country are relying on their home appliances more than ever, keeping clothes and dishes clean and free from germs, preserving food and medicines in their refrigerators, and cooking several meals a day for the entire household.
We have the critical role to keep America safe at home, servicing, installing and making the appliances people need. We continue manufacturing the appliances that are being ordered right now in response to what people need, and we are leveraging information from our connected appliances to manage service calls, always following the CDC enhanced COVID-19 prevention recommendations when we do need to visit people’s homes.
While continuing to provide these services is essential, promoting the health and safety of our employees is our number one priority. We closed our manufacturing facilities for an entire week, taking unprecedented steps to modify how work is done following the CDC guidelines. Our efforts included implementing no-touch temperature screenings, adjusting manufacturing lines for social distancing, installing barriers between workstations, providing protective equipment, and installing hundreds more handwashing and hand sanitizer stations throughout our plants. We continue to take additional measures as we receive feedback from employees and implement any changes recommended by public health officials.
During these challenging times, GE Appliances is also banding together with communities helping those who are working tirelessly for all of us: healthcare professionals, first responders, and other essential workers. We recently announced the program GEA4Heroes through which—in partnership with United Way Worldwide—a significant portion of the products we’ll make during the first two weeks of April will be donated to those healthcare and first responder professionals in need. But this is not all. We have donated more than 120,000 masks and 100,000 gloves to healthcare facilities and government agencies in the five states where we manufacture appliances. We continue to identify opportunities to contribute supplies, leverage our supply chain, and donate time and resources.
We are very proud of the work our teams do to help America to stay safe at home. And to the millions of families across the country, know that GE Appliances is working hard for you now, and we’ll always be there for you.
Kevin Nolan
President & CEO, GE Appliances
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