- With the GE dryer’s new 200-foot venting capability, design a remodel where your customers choose the laundry room’s location
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — July 30, 2014 — GE Appliances now offers a dryer that can support a venting length of 200 feet—70 percent longer than the matching standard dryer—and boasting the longest vent capability of any residential frontload dryer available in the U.S. The extension in length results in design and installation flexibility, making it easier for architects and remodelers to give their customers what they want. Homeowners now have the option to move the laundry room to a more convenient location within their home, whether it’s attached to a first-floor master or to a second-floor bathroom.

The extended venting length coincides with the increase in home remodeling. Homeowners spent $130 billion on remodeling projects last year according to data released by the U.S. Census Bureau. That was up 3.1 percent from 2012 and was the largest amount of home-remodeling spending since 2007, the year that the housing downturn began.1.
Contract Sales Product and Process Manager Dave Anderson said, “As people stay in their homes longer, they want their homes to make their lives easier, and moving the laundry room to a convenient location without sacrificing the dryer’s performance is a benefit we think many consumers will enjoy.”
To achieve the 200-foot venting capability, GE’s engineers implemented dual-motor technology. In a typical dryer, a single motor drives both the drum and the fan. GE’s dual-motor system has two independent motors: one that drives the drum, and one that drives the fan. The dedicated motor to the fan ensures moisture is pushed all the way out of the duct, helping to dry clothes more quickly.
Anderson said, “Since clothes dry more quickly, the short heat cycle is easier on clothing, and the dryer uses less energy. Both of these outcomes benefit the end user.”
The new dryer, model #GFDL110EHWW, is the first with this venting capability that pairs with a frontload washer, which makes up approximately 30 percent of new washing machine sales. The washer and dryer can be stacked or installed side-by-side. This dryer is available on August 2014 and has an MSRP of $899. To learn more, builders, remodelers and contractors should contact the GE Answer Center at 1-800-626-2000 or www.geappliances.com.
About GE Appliances
GE Appliances is at the forefront of building innovative, energy-efficient appliances that improve people’s lives. GE Appliances’ products include refrigerators, freezers, cooking products, dishwashers, washers, dryers, air conditioners, water filtration systems and water heaters. General Electric (NYSE: GE) works on things that matter to build a world that works better. For more information on GE Appliances, visit www.ge.com/appliances.
1 .Hudson, Kris. “Americans Boost Spending on Remodeling.” The Wall Street Journal. Feb. 3, 2014. Wsj.com; http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303743604579355250986245422